Importance of Pre-sale Building and Pest Inspection for Buyers and Sellers

Real estate transactions are full of question marks for both buyers and sellers. This is why pre-sale home inspections are so popular. A home inspection is an inspection to determine the current condition of a home. It is an important part of the home-buying process and can help you avoid purchasing a home with potentially dangerous structural problems. It is most effective when Pre-auction Building and pest Inspection in Brisbane is done by a professional who knows home-building practices and standards.

From avoiding building defects to finding issues with your home, home inspection has many benefits. This test looks at a home’s foundation, electrical work, plumbing, roofing, and anything else that can affect the property’s value. Pre-sale Building and pest Inspections Gold Coast by an expert is mutually beneficial and has some distinct advantages. The advantages of house inspections for buyers and sellers are:

  • Benefits For Buyers

Drone Roof Inspections on Gold Coast give buyers a basic idea of ​​what the home has to offer, but it’s almost impossible to know all the details. Perhaps there’s roof damage or a termite infestation, but we don’t know right away, but the repair could cost the buyer thousands of dollars. You can know exactly if it helps buyers make informed decisions and increase transparency. Buying a home is a huge investment and should not be taken lightly.

Inspections eliminate many “what if” questions and give buyers more confidence in making trading decisions. Buyers also have more leverage in negotiations because they are often able to persuade sellers when homes have known issues that cost extra to fix. This will allow you to purchase the property at a fair price and make it less likely to hit with major repairs later.

  • Benefits For The Seller

Having a Pre-sale Building and pest Inspections Gold Coast performed ahead of time is helpful to the seller because it should expedite the overall process and get the property sold with minimal setbacks. If an inspector finds a significant problem, the seller can either have it repaired or disclose the issue to the buyer. Otherwise, it can cause delays and may take longer until a deal is finalized. When a seller is equipped with full knowledge of the condition of their home, it adds to their negotiating leverage. Rather than simply making claims and having to go on their word, a seller can provide a buyer with tangible proof via an inspection report.

In turn, this should increase the seller’s confidence level and empowers them during the negotiation process, as a home inspection is important from a legal standpoint. After a Drone Roof Inspections on Gold Coast, full disclosure will be made, which will protect the seller from the threat of legal action in the future. In the event that a buyer is dissatisfied with the condition of a property, they won’t be able to file a lawsuit because there was full disclosure. This means that the seller can have peace of mind once the transaction has been completed.

By looking at all of the advantages of Pre-auction Building and pest Inspection Brisbane, it’s easy to see why it’s smart to perform a home inspection. It’s mutually beneficial and increases the likelihood that both the buyer and seller strike a fair deal. That way, everyone wins, and both parties can feel good about the transaction. With Total Inspections, one can expect a thorough, diligent inspection that never cuts corners. When searching for the right home inspector, it’s important to find someone that an individual can trust. Get in touch for a reliable and trustworthy inspection of the homes.

5 Important Points To Keep In Mind For Pre-auction Building and Pest Inspection

In general, it may seem overkill to conduct a building inspection of property under tender, but it should be treated as non-negotiable. After all, buying real estate is a major financial undertaking that you certainly don’t want to leave to chance. Of course, building and pest inspection reports are valuable tools for real estate investors. From minor cosmetic damage to major structural issues, we can help reveal everything about your property.

Inspections are generally conducted to help the purchaser reduce the purchase price. It’s an ever-evolving and unfolding experience, from the moment you decide to buy a home to the point you decide to sell it or pass it on to your heirs. From the actual home search to Pre-auction Building and pest Inspection in Brisbane, from identifying reputable builders to completing maintenance tasks, this is a once-in-a-lifetime, multi-component experience.

What Are The Key Elements Of A Property Inspection?

There are several aspects to consider when buying or selling a home; one of those elements is the property inspection. This ensures that the person receives the house as expected and in the promised condition. If you’re looking to sell your home, keep in mind the following guidelines to ensure a Pre-sale Building and pest Inspections on Gold Coast is conducted.

  • Attracts Buyers:

    One of the main reasons sellers need to view their properties is for buyer peace of mind. It gives buyers a comprehensive statement of the general condition of their property. Potential buyers know that the property will be free from problems such as major construction problems, pest problems, or hazards. One can be sure that all issues have been evaluated and documented in a full report. This speeds up the transaction process by fixing unexpected issues proactively and avoiding delays and setbacks during the negotiation process when buyer reviews uncover unexpected issues.

  • Current Condition:

    Drone Roof Inspections on Gold Coast give sellers an accurate picture of their property’s condition. These inspections allow for the identification of minor to major issues, such as minor cracks and drainage issues, and easily address them to prevent escalation. A professional inspection can quickly resolve any issues. One can also back up their property condition statements with meaningful expert opinions, giving greater leverage in price negotiations.

  • Expenses:

    A thorough inspection of a property before it is sold allows us to accurately predict future expenses-. Pre-sale Building and pest Inspections on Gold Coast is useful during the sales and negotiation process as one can confidently claim that these systems are still working properly. Either way, knowing future costs provides a better basis for planning and budgeting and negotiations. For things that are in good condition and don’t need to be replaced, the inspection report will highlight that fact to the buyer, and one may be able to get a better price.

  • Expectations:

    A property inspection report reveals the hidden factors that affect the value of the property. With a comprehensive Drone Roof Inspections on Gold Coast, one can confidently make their own predictions about home prices and sales. This lays the groundwork for easier and faster negotiations where an individual and the buyer are on the same page. In addition, it also provides a good foundation to answer any questions potential buyers may ask. The inspections having a transparent and trusted view of a property can give buyers confidence and encourage them to make better deals and move faster.

  • Peace of Mind:

    Get peace of mind with the pre-sale property as they provide detailed and important information about the property and its systems. Properties that are in good condition and structurally sound are valued more highly. If the inspection goes well, you can put it up for sale with the peace of mind that potential buyers won’t find problems later. If the inspection finds a problem, it can be fixed immediately. Plus, a complete inspection can eliminate the risk of losing interested buyers entirely.

There are many advantages to being a seller when you conduct a Pre-auction Building and pest Inspection in Brisbane of your property. Get a clear picture of the property’s current condition and predict future costs for repairs and replacements. Begin the sale with a realistic assessment of your property’s condition and market value. Total Inspections is always available to assist with any property inspections required before the sale or any sales-related questions regarding the success of the property sale. The individuals inspecting the house have experience and superior market knowledge to help make the sales process as smooth as possible.

3 Common Myths About Home Inspectors And Their Role

3 Common Myths About Home Inspectors And Their Role

A home inspection is a task that is often ignored by buyers, and they often end up buying a house that has hidden defects. Once purchased, no one else is responsible for it, and any repair or replacement needs to be borne by the buyer. Even if it is a major problem, you cannot come out of it since you have already paid for the house.

This is where a building inspection plays a major role. The need for an awareness that there exists building experts for pre-purchase building inspections in Gold Coast whose sole occupation is to check buildings for defects and accordingly create reports. While most people ignore their contribution, here are a few myths that need to be debunked so that people are aware of the role a building inspection plays.

Myth 1 – The Seller Is Responsible For Fixing Defects That The Inspector Found

Why will a seller fix all the defects that the inspector has found? If so, he would have done all of that before selling it. If the problems are plenty, you have the choice of not buying the house even if the design appeals you. You will have to spend on repairs, pay the price of the building and later pay for timely maintenance of the house. Why will you fish out such a lot of money? If the repairs are minor, ensure that a professional for pre-sale Building and pest Inspections in Gold Coast comes to help and not the local boy that the seller trusts. Eventually, you will buy the house, so the final decision is yours.

Myth 2 – Your Uncle Can Come Over To Look At The House With You

Even though your uncle has a lot of experience up his back and has handled construction projects in the past, he may not be the right person to help you. He doesn’t have the license or experience of being an expert for pre-purchase building inspections in Gold Coast. A simple check of the house doesn’t mean it is inspected. Your uncle will not go to the depth and check for termite infestation, which an inspector would do.

Based on his words, you cannot negotiate or talk to the seller to replace or change something in the house. Always trust a professional inspector who will help you with the best report which will make you decide on whether to buy the house.

Myth 3 – New Homes Do Not Require An Inspection

Australian building codes have become strict but despite that, there may be times when workers do not follow all rules when constructing a building. Even though your inspector may not be allowed in the premise while the building is under construction, there are times when there are glitches. If your house comes with a one year warranty, get the building checked during the first year itself especially at the end of the term. Most people get their homes inspected at the 11th month of their contract.

All of these are common myths and people tend to follow them diligently without knowing that building inspection needs to be taken seriously as it concerns your house which is an asset forever.

6 Powerful Reasons To Invest In Virtual Tours For Your Online Real Estate Marketing

When choosing the best marketing platform for your real estate business, sometimes the simplest measures can be all you need to set yourself above and beyond expectations. For example, for many agents out there, the rise of virtual tours may prove to be a pragmatic and cost-effective way of rejoining clients who may have otherwise been uninterested in buying or even just enquiring about properties within your domain.

6 Powerful Reasons To Invest In Virtual Tours For Your Online Real Estate Marketing

If you are looking for powerful reasons to invest in 3D Virtual Tours in Gold Coast for your real estate marketing, look no further than online leads. Virtual tours are an incredibly effective way to showcase properties online, and they can make a massive difference in the number of leads you generate. Here’s why virtual tours are so effective at generating leads:

  1. They’re Highly Engaging

Virtual tours are much more engaging than traditional photos or video walkthroughs. They allow viewers to explore a property at their own pace and get a feel for what it would be like to live there. This makes them much more likely to contact you about scheduling a showing.

  1. They Help Build Trust

When buyers can tour a property virtually, it helps build trust between them and the agent or broker. In today’s market, buyers are often wary of working with someone they’ve never met. Virtual tours help bridge that gap and show that you’re committed to providing top-notch service.

  1. They Save Time

Buyers who tour properties virtually don’t have to waste time driving around looking at properties that don’t interest them. Instead, they can quickly and easily narrow their search to only those properties that meet their specific needs and budget. As a result, they’re more likely to contact agents or brokers with virtual tours available on their listings.

  1. An Immersive Experience For Viewers

Virtual tours are a great option if you’re looking for a more immersive experience for your potential customers. With virtual tours, potential buyers can take a self-guided tour of your property from the comfort of their home. This is a great way to increase interest in your property and get more people through the door.

  1. Increase Home Buyer Curiosity And Interest

As a real estate agent or broker, one of your primary goals is to increase buyer interest in the properties you are marketing. One way to do this is to create 3D Virtual Tours in Gold Coast that potential buyers can take without physically visiting the property. Virtual tours are an immersive experience that allows potential buyers to explore a property at their own pace and from the comfort of their home.

  1. Increase Lead Generation By Increasing Big Data

Most business owners are now aware of the term “big data,” but they may not be sure how it can help them. Big data is large data sets that may be analyzed to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behaviour and interactions.

So how can big data help you increase lead generation for your real estate business? By understanding what potential buyers are looking for and using that information to create targeted marketing campaigns, you can increase the chances of generating leads that result in sales.

Finally, virtual tours are an excellent way to build trust with potential buyers. When potential buyers see that you’re willing to offer them a complete tour of your property, they’ll be more likely to believe that you’re offering a quality product or service.

Importance Of Getting A Professional Pre-Sale Building Inspection

With the ever-increasing population and globalisation, the demand for owning houses has gone up significantly. As a potential property owner, it is of utmost importance to know the difference between the different types of inspection. This help in getting a clear idea regarding the status and condition of which the property is in. Having a clear idea will allow one to make an investment accordingly.

As the name in itself suggests, the purpose of a Pre-sale Building and pest Inspections on Gold Coast is to undertake a prior analysis of the property being put on the market. These results are often organised by the seller while, in other instances, by the real estate agent. in contrast to this, a Pre-Purchase Building Inspection, on the other hand, is organised by the prospective purchaser of a property.

Importance Of Getting A Professional Pre-Sale building Inspection

Why Get A Pre-Sale Building Inspection?

A Pre-Sale Building Inspection is more often than not undertaken for two main reasons. A Pre-Sale Building Inspection is organised so that the house’s true condition is known before putting on the market. By obtaining a Pre-Sale Building Inspection, a seller is often hoping to get rid of any surprises that could pop up in case the purchaser of a property gets their own Pre-purchase Pest Inspection Gold Coast.

A seller could rectify faults detected within the seller’s Pre-Sale Building Inspection before the property being put on the market. The unwanted truth is that whenever presented with a Pre-Sale Building Inspection outlining many faults. One can see the lengths a homeowner will go to in an attempt to conceal faults rather than rectify them.

Often, a homeowner organises a Pre-Sale Building Inspection to report to prospective purchasers. This helps eliminate the need for the purchaser to organise their own Pre-Purchase Building Inspection. From a buyer’s perspective, relying on a Pre-sale Building Inspections on Gold Coast organised by the seller is not recommended.

There are often sellers who are not at all concerned about the buyer’s welfare but rather with their own needs. They will often get the most lenient Building Inspection Report, outlining the least number of faults. This will allow them to spend the least possible amount for the Building Inspection.

In addition, the Pre-sale Building Inspections on Gold Coast presented to a potential purchaser might often be long out of date. This can result in changing the condition of the house due to neglect or misfortune to have changed and not subsequently being reflected in the Building Inspection Report. A purchaser relying upon this Inspection Report could be faced with a faulty house potentially costing many thousands of dollars to rectify. As the Pre-Sale Building Inspection Report is often undertaken in the name of the seller and not the purchaser, proving liability and obtaining compensation from the building inspector would prove difficult, if not impossible.

There’s no need for an individual to be scared, anxious or overwhelmed, as Pre-sale Building and pest Inspections on Gold Coast is the best weapon in property negotiations. Total Inspections have been servicing the community for a long time, and our clientele boast of the services we offer. Knowing what to look for in a pre-sale property inspection can help reduce the burden on an individual for negotiations and secure investment for your family’s future.

A Quick Guide on Pre-Purchase Building Inspections and the Role of a Licensed Building Inspector

Even though sellers claim that they have performed the pre-sale building inspection for the house they are selling, it is probably just enforcing the building code compliance. This doesn’t take care of the structural condition of the house and many more areas that often go unnoticed.

Therefore, whenever you plan on purchasing a house, the first thing to do is hire an inspector for pre-purchase building inspections in Gold Coast who is experienced with pre-purchase inspections. A place you have liked just by its looks may not be the same as its base. There could be possibilities for termite infestation in the wooden beams or an issue with flooding in the basement. There can be multiple issues or no issues at all.

What is included in a pre-purchase building inspection?

pre-purchase building inspection

When an inspector is given the task of inspecting a house before you buy it, they will look into multiple aspects such as –

  • Pest Inspection – Pests are a nuisance; when an extended family lives in a building, the structural condition of the structure tends to deteriorate. Termites, wood borers, ants, rodents, etc., often look out for cosy living spaces with access to food, and a house is the best place. The deck in the backyard may be infested with termites but looks beautiful from the outside. The same could be for the sidewalls, which are painted well but hollow when tapped. All of this is looked into closely during a pre-purchase pest inspection in Gold Coast.


  • Fire Inspection – Fire is a hazard that comes by uninvited. If a building is prone to such a hazard, it shouldn’t be purchased. During the inspection, inspectors look out for weak electrical wiring, which leads to most fire outbreaks in a household. For example, you may set up heavy appliances such as the air conditioner or the water heater, and there is a short circuit. They check the wires to see if it is compliant to work normally with heavy appliances. If not, it needs immediate attention.


  • Slab Inspection – The slab is what holds the weight of the house, and when there is a defect down there, things can get complicated once you start living in the house. Problems like cracking of walls and ceilings, crack in the wall and floor tiles, and jamming windows and doors even though they are in good shape shows up and eventually make you spend a lot of money in rectifying things. The inspector for pre-purchase building inspections in Gold Coast may take some time but ultimately comes up with the correct report.

Problems That You Can Face In a New House

Even though the seller claims that the house is new and unused, multiple problems arise and are often caught red-handed by the inspectors.

Incomplete House

Sometimes, the contractor has forgotten to add the basics, such as fire blocking or not installing insulation in certain portions of the house or simply whitewashing walls and not painting them well. All of these are looked into by the inspector, giving you time to decide what to do.

Unpainted Areas of the House

Sometimes, contractors only focus on the areas that attract more attention and paint them well. Unfortunately, for the rest of the regions, such as the basement, wall closets, store rooms, etc., haven’t been painted at all or simply have a coat of some cheap paint.

Plumbing Issues

It could be leaky pipes, the use of low-grade pipes during construction, or simply not following local construction codes that lead to complications. Issues such as leaky or rusted shower pipes that stay behind the walls, too, can be one of them.

Faulty Heating and Cooling System

If a house has pre-installed heating and cooling systems and doesn’t function as required, it isn’t the right place to be. Experts for pre-purchase building inspections detect the same and accordingly convey it to you. Even if the system is new, a faulty one is of no use.

Choosing the Right Inspector

A building inspector should have the necessary qualifications and experience to perform his duties well and help people make right decisions when purchasing a house. When choosing one, here are the qualities you need to check.

  • Their Qualifications – You can readily ask the inspector to help with details of his qualifications and experience. Any inspector for pre-purchase building inspections in Gold Coast who is good at their job will not hesitate to show the same. Every inspector has a license number that can help you with a cross-examination if you have doubts about their skills.


  • Do They Allow You On-Site – A good inspector will not hesitate to bring you along to inspect the house. He knows his job and will not be affected by your presence. It may be so that he will want to review the premise alone to look for minute issues, and you being there may be a distraction to his job.


  • Their Experience – It is essential that you pick an inspector who is experienced at their job. A newbie may not be able to help you as much as an experienced one will. If you are planning to live in this house comfortably, always hire someone with a good amount of experience.


  • Their Charges – If you are planning for a pre-purchase building inspections at the cheapest rate possible, you are at a loss with the assessment taking place without looking into minute details. Ask around for the introductory rate, and then look out for inspectors that charge something around the basics you are aware of.

Since you are on the verge of buying the house and plan to keep it as an asset, why buy something that will make your living troublesome in the coming days? There is no harm in hiring a licensed inspector from Total Inspections to check for faults. If there are no faults at all, there is nothing to lose. You will own a house that is in excellent and liveable condition.

6 Benefits of Getting a Drone Roof Inspections for Your House

It is often assumed by many people that their roof is well made, properly installed, and might withstand mother nature’s wrath. In reality, roofs are quite vulnerable. A roof that’s flawed in any manner has the potential to place you and your loved ones in harm’s way. Furthermore, roof damage may result in costly repairs or a full roof replacement that decimates your finances.

Roofs are important in providing insulation and protecting other building parts from damage. Some homeowners overlook roof maintenance, despite its importance, thus exposing their property to extensive avoidable damage. Drone Roof Inspections on Gold Coast are the best, thanks to enhancing the lifespan of your roof.

What are the benefits of an expert Roof Inspection?

Your property’s roofing system is the first line of defence against external elements and one of the largest components of your property. An absence of proper maintenance hampers your property’s appeal and poses a risk for the occupants. Over time, most roofing systems experience issues like leaks, blow-offs, billowing, tenting, and more. Hiring an expert in Pre-purchase Building Inspections ensures that you just get the subsequent benefits:

  • Detect Roof Damage

Roof damage allows moisture to create up in a house, damaging wallpapers, paint, wall lining, and curtains. The dampness also encourages the event of mould, dust mites, and fungi, exposing house occupants to the chance of many health issues. An expert roof inspector can examine and recommend maintenance tips.

  • Insurance Claim

Extreme atmospheric conditions like thunderstorms, high winds, and hurricanes can damage even the foremost durable building material. Getting your roof inspected by Pre-purchase Building Inspections helps identify and request compensation supported by the character and extent of harm. This will allow them to present the evidence needed to support filing any claim against the damages.

  • Roof Replacement

Most roofing materials have an estimated lifespan, and various factors may increase wear and tear, affecting the roofing system. Such include inadequate ventilation, sun heat, and powerful wind. A professional roof inspection can facilitate your assessment of roof damage caused by environmental factors and determine what quantity of life your roof has.

  • Proper Drainage

Failure to eliminate accumulated debris and dirt can clog gutters and affect the system of a home. There might be an instance of water accumulation on the roof, causing it to wear out the building material and causing leakage. Knowing about Drone Roof Inspections on Gold Coast will facilitate you in identifying drainage problems and eliminating the problematic debris.

  • Peace of Mind

Professional Pre-purchase Building Inspections allow one to know the condition of the room and allow them to take note of all details. If there’s a need to repair the roof, the expert will advise on the proper time to conduct the repair. With this information, it’ll be easy to plan and allow repairs while observing the desired timeline.

  • Safety

Roof inspections are risky for people with limited experience and knowledge of roofing systems. as example, stepping on soft spots and loose shingles can cause tripping and a life-threatening fall. In contrast, a professional roofer will apply their expertise to detect a hazardous area and stop accidents. They’ll also use safety equipment to avoid damaging the building material during the inspection.

Hiring the services of expert Drone Roof Inspections on Gold Coast can prevent money and stress in the long term. Some companies provide reliable roof inspection and replacement services and help identify roof damage, leakage, poor drainage, and other issues that will jeopardize your safety. Contact us at Total Inspection to schedule a knowledgeable residential or commercial roof inspection appointment that’s tailor-made for your requirements.

Prevalence of Pre-Sale and Pre-Purchase Pest Inspection of Houses

One of life’s most significant financial investments is to shop for a house for yourself. Purchasing one is nothing but one of the most important decisions you create in your life. Any potential purchaser always has a checklist of their various requirements and essential features that they look for in a home. one of the foremost important procedures before buying a house is the pest inspection.

It is always good to make sure the house that your dream house is not going be one of the most severe mistakes of your life. A Pre-purchase Pest Inspection in Gold Coast is crucial to ensure that you make the proper decision before purchasing a home. It’ll also help give you a favourable position in negotiating with the seller.

Pre-Purchase Building Pest Inspection and its benefits

A pest inspection helps identify if there’s an existence of pests within the property before the acquisition. A Pre-purchase Building and pest Inspection in Gold Coast enables you to avoid the additional expense of potential damage caused by pests after acquiring the property and paying for the pest control. The importance of Pre-Purchase Pest Inspections are:

  • It helps you recognize the pest problems or status of the property beforehand.
  • The report will be helpful to assist you in negotiating a lower price for the property with the seller, as you’ll get some repairs or pest control done.
  • You’ll seek professional help beforehand to inquire about the seriousness of the pest problem and the adverse effects of the identical in the near future.
  • An expert can also provide you with an approximate amount you will have to invest in resolving the pest problem.
  • It helps avoid future regret from purchasing a property without tolerably researching it.

How does Pre-Sale Building Pest Inspection benefit?

It is often beneficial to get Pre-sale Building and pest Inspections in Gold Coast done in order to sell any property, as it allows to get rid of the necessary flaws. Thus, to induce a house to be sold, one must always make prior inspections to ensure that further issues don’t seem to be reported, as this may cause increasing fiscal spending. A number of the reasons to keep in mind are:

  • Awareness- Ignorance isn’t always bliss, and it’s important not to hasten a crucial decision of selling a house.
  • Value assessment- Pre-sale pest inspection plays a significant role in assessing the property’s verity value, considering the property’s status.
  • Unseen flaws- Only a professional/expert can quickly help identify the unseen deficiencies of a property before selling it, as there’s always the attention to details.
  • Knowledge of the general investment- A pre-sale building pest inspection can facilitate your negotiation with the customer if there are existing pest problems.
  • Aid in Negotiations- Pre-sale pest inspection reports help to equip you with the knowledge of the verity value of the property you’re selling.
  • Safety- Pest infestations are essential to ensure you’re selling a property that doesn’t have any unseen structural damage.
  • Confidence in your decision- A pre-sale pest inspection helps ensure that you have made the proper decision for yourself and your family.

One has to ensure that they’re choosing the correct person for the duty of inspection of their property. Only a Pre-purchase Pest Inspection in Gold Coast with expertise in pest problems can facilitate knowing the truth. This is so because only they’ll know what to look out for in a property sold or bought in the market. It’s always better to make sure of the judgement by hiring someone knowledgeable rather than trying to conduct the inspection yourself. Get in touch with Total Inspections for a trustworthy and reliable pest inspection done professionally and cost-effectively.


If you’re not a construction expert with a thorough understanding of building standards and regulations, there’s a strong possibility you’ll overlook a critical issue during your ocular examination of the new house you’re planning to purchase. A trained inspector should conduct the building and pest inspection in Brisbane for an entire property.

Because not all sellers are upfront about their property’s flaws, buyers like you must take extra precautions and have the property examined before signing a contract. It may come as a surprise, but even new house purchasers should take extra precautions.

Construction problems are just as widespread in new homes as they are in older ones. When you consider factors like growing material and labour prices, construction shortcuts, contract deadlines, and shoddy craftsmanship, this is unavoidable. Newly constructed houses, contrary to common opinion, are not defect-free.

Why should you not avoid building and pest examinations for a new home?

Even if the home is new, it’s not free of maintenance

New dwellings must adhere to local council laws and must pass a series of examinations conducted by a building surveyor. That is, at least, the broad notion. New home purchasers typically anticipate that new houses will pass these tests and be in excellent condition once they are put on the market. This isn’t always the case, however.

It’s worth emphasising that a building surveyor or council inspector is responsible for enforcing building code compliance, not craftsmanship. A surveyor is unlikely to comment on bad workmanship. That is why you’ll need a building inspector in the first place.

You may have an experienced eye look at the quality of the craftsmanship and discover faults, especially those that require significant repair. Pre-purchase building inspections in Gold Coast done by an expert is necessary. Of course, they’ll check to determine if the entire structure complies with building rules.

You are going to need pest examination too

The new property might appear to be in fantastic shape. But this should not be an excuse for purchasers like you to relax their termite defences. Termites, for example, are nasty little pests. They can go undiscovered for months while carrying out their life’s work that is destroying houses. They can work behind the scenes for years in certain circumstances!

Get a pest inspection in Brisbane done together with the building inspection to ensure that you don’t wind up with an estate inhabited by unpleasant critters. Fortunately, professional building inspectors may be able to combine a pest check with a building inspection. And if you assume a new house won’t have to deal with pests for a long time, you can find yourself waking up in a house with a weakened foundation because it’s been home to a termite colony all along.

It will help you keep the potential problems away

A newly constructed building may be more structurally sound than older ones. But it does not imply it is without flaws. Keep in mind that building flaws such as insulation issues and pest problems such as termite infestations might be difficult to spot at first glance and go unreported for years after you’ve purchased the property.

Even if you think missing a building and pest inspection would save you money today, you’d be prudent not to. After all, a few hundred dollars spent now is a tiny thing. Moreover, you will get the peace of mind that comes with knowing you aren’t buying a money trap.

Call our professional team immediately to get this comprehensive analysis completed before you exchange a sales contract with the property vendor or estate agent!

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