Inspection Property Information

    Report Purchasers Information

    Representative / Agent Information

    Inspection Attendees

    Total Inspections encourages all parties to attend the inspection, so the
    Inspector can point out items and better explain the inspection
    report. However, it is not a requirement. These inspections generally take
    around 2 hours.

    Property Details

    Special Purpose Inspections

    Scope of the pre-purchase building and timber pest inspections are set out in
    the Terms and Conditions. Any items outside this scope may
    be inspected as a special purpose inspection. If you are concerned about any
    areas in or around the property being inspected or would like Total inspections
    Pty Ltd to undertake other
    inspections, please detail below:

    It is a condition of the 'Australian Standards' AS 4349.1 and 4349.3 that a
    pre-engagement agreement (outlining all the terms and conditions) is entered
    into prior to an inspection taking place. Please follow the links below, read
    and if you’re unsure or do not understand any of these terms please contact
    Total Inspections and a representative will be happy to assist.

    Pre-purchase Timer pest Inspection Terms and condition

    Pre-purchase Building Inspection Terms and condition

    How did you hear about Total Inspections

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